Buffed Film Buffs began in 2017 as a personal movie diary on Instagram. For three years, I wrote reviews about every movie I watched and made connections with fellow film enthusiasts.
In spring 2020, I launched the Buffed Film Buffs' collaborative website with two of my peers, installing myself as editor-in-chief. Over time, the website grew, and we now host approximately 15 writers from four different continents (as well as a slew of guest writers).
In addition to reviews and essays, we create YouTube videos and curate monthly Instagram posts. We released our first short film, The Fit, in 2021. I continue to envision the website as a jumping-off point for people who are passionate about TV and film to join forces and create something that they're proud of. For me, the website has become an opportunity to broaden my film horizons and encounter interesting tastes.
Below are some of the projects I've undertaken since the website's founding.